Compliance & Ethics Awareness
Compliance & Ethics Awareness
Holding Employees to High Ethical Standards
Employee awareness is one of the most critical components for the success of any compliance and ethics program.
Training & Communication
Our training program has a multi-topic curriculum to ensure employees understand the risks that apply to their positions and comply with the related policies and practices.
Additionally, targeted training modules that focus on key risk areas related to an employee’s job function at Fluor are assigned from time to time, including manager training on how to handle and escalate employee concerns about misconduct in a way that reinforces the company's commitment to maintaining an open and non-retaliatory workplace.
Frequent communications on relevant compliance and ethics topics are routinely shared through leadership messages, promotional flyers and internal articles. These communications are designed to provide guidance, answer frequently asked questions and raise awareness of our speak-up channels.
Employee Certification
As part of our ongoing commitment to adhere to the highest standards of business and to do the right thing, annually employees receive training on our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to ensure their understanding of our policies and are required to certify to their understanding and adherence to the Code.

Conflicts of Interest
Via the Integrity Portal and Hotline, employees can disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest year-round for resolution. Additionally, all new hires and rehires are required to disclose any conflicts of interest during the on-boarding process and during the annual Code training.
All disclosures are reviewed by the appropriate department (i.e., Human Resources, Corporate Compliance or the Law Department) and guidance is issued to employees. This process is overseen by the Chief Compliance & Ethics Officer.
Employees are not precluded from seeking elected positions provided that they disclose the matter and comply with the Code and Conflicts of Interest Policy. We do not, however, hire any current government officials as consultants, directors or employees.