Compliance & Ethics
Compliance & Ethics
Valuing Integrity
Fluor has a multi-faceted compliance and ethics program that guides our employees, joint venture partners, suppliers and subcontractors and other business partners. This dynamic program involves leadership and oversight, risk assessments, policies and procedures, communication and training programs, monitoring, reporting and other initiatives.
We strive to continually improve and enhance our compliance and ethics program by monitoring our evolving risks, including any strategic changes in our business or markets, and by benchmarking best practices in our company, our industry and the global business community.
We have a dedicated team of compliance professionals under the direction of the company’s Chief Compliance & Ethics Officer. This team is supported by a Compliance and Ethics Committee made up of cross-functional senior management and has further oversight from and reporting obligations to the company’s Audit Committee to ensure that we operate with the highest ethical business standards.

Business Conduct & Ethics
Fluor’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code) is the centerpiece of our commitment to conducting business ethically and in compliance with the law.
Getting Help and Reporting Concerns
Fluor employees, clients, suppliers, subcontractors and other third-party business partners can ask questions about the Code or raise any concern they may have through our Compliance and Ethics Integrity Portal and Hotline, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Compliance & Ethics Awareness
Fluor's commitment is simply this: to do the right thing. We work to ensure that employees routinely receive training and communication about the standards and policies that define how we do work.
Compliance & Ethics Risk Management
Our approach to managing compliance risk begins with our subject matter experts and business leaders identifying compliance challenges in the industry and understanding how those challenges relate to our business, our strategy and third parties with whom we do business. Our risk policies address internal processes and include levels of required approval before any business can be undertaken by the company.
At a corporate level, Fluor has a Business Risk Management Framework (BRMF℠) program and ethics and compliance subject matter experts that periodically assess compliance risks and monitor evolving risks, regulations and best practices to strengthen our compliance risk management.
Each new engagement has its own unique set of risks. Through our Project Pre-Award Risk Assessment procedure, we assess the corruption risks of each high-risk project or teaming arrangement against a background of project location, business culture, locally required third parties and government touchpoints. Upon award, the project team may be called upon to develop a project-specific Project Compliance & Ethics Plan to mitigate the risks identified during the assessment. This plan becomes the basis for implementing additional processes or procedures on the project and is reviewed and updated as needed throughout the life of the project.
Third Party Expectations
Our suppliers, contractors and other third parties are expected to maintain the highest standards of integrity and to comply with the laws and regulations that govern their business and the business they do on behalf of Fluor. We require all our suppliers and contractors to comply and in turn require their suppliers and contractors to comply with our Business Conduct and Ethics Expectations for Suppliers and Contractors (the Supplier Expectations).
Our Supply Chain group is responsible for establishing new supplier relationships and providing oversight of suppliers. All agency relationships are subject to stringent review.
Worker Welfare
We firmly believe in supporting and protecting the health, safety, welfare, security and dignity of each worker on our projects. Ethical recruitment and employment practices, safe work practices, as well as safe and healthy living and working conditions are critical elements to delivering our services. We recognize that welfare arrangements and quality facilities not only improve workers’ health and wellbeing, but they also enhance performance, efficiency and health and safety compliance. Such conditions are also essential to our mission of helping clients build a better and more sustainable world.