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Hydraulic Surge: From Screening to Detailed Modelling
Hydraulic surge can have devastating results. Fluor SMEs discuss early screening activities, the identification of potential problem areas, detailed simulations and surge countermeasures.
Evolution of the Sulfur Block Towards Green Refineries
Trends in the design of green refineries as they install new sulfur blocks and revamp existing units to manage increased loads and new feedstocks.
Manganese and Graphite – The Forgotten Critical Minerals
An exploration of the role that manganese and graphite play as critical minerals for battery chemicals and electric vehicles.
Fluor 2024 European Football Tournament in Tarragona
Every year, teams from Fluor's European offices meet for a day of friendly competition. Check out the highlights from 2024, when 14 teams from seven Fluor locations played in Spain. Congratulations to the champion team, Tarragona 1!
Fluor Builds Australia
See how Fluor has been a part of Australia's success for more than seven decades.
Decarbonizing Energy Infrastructure: The Role of Carbon Steels
Practical engineering approaches and perceived issues with carbon steels in handling liquified carbon dioxide and in hydrogen-related processes.
Jim Breuer on Collaboration
Jim Breuer, Chief Operating Officer, shares the lessons learned by leading a team.
Post-Combustion Carbon Capture and Facility Integration
Presenting a holistic approach to carbon capture plant assessment and design with specific focus on the carbon capture process demand on utility system requirements and strategies to optimize facility integration.
Stacy Dillow on the Fluor Experience
Stacy Dillow, Chief Human Resources Officer, shares why this is a great time to join Fluor.
John Reynolds on Meaning
John Reynolds, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, discusses deriving meaning from his work.
Mark Fields on Building Something New
Learn why Mark Fields, Group President of Project Execution, is excited to be part of Fluor.
Robert Taylor on the Best Part of His Job
Robert Taylor, Chief Information Officer, discusses serving as the executive sponsor of Fluor Cares.
Mitigating Loss of Containment Events Through an Integrated Risk Assessment Approach
We explore how an integrated risk assessment approach contributes to preventing and mitigating incidents in operating facilities.
Tom D'Agostino on His First Job
Tom D'Agostino, Group President of Mission Solutions, shares the lessons learned on his first job.
Al Collins on His Proudest Moment
Al Collins, Group President of Corporate Development and Sustainability, discusses his proudest moment at Fluor.