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A History of Nuclear Innovation

Fluor's nuclear experience goes back to the early days of atomic energy. Starting in 1946, Fluor designed and constructed numerous facilities to support the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission / U.S. Department of Energy. In 1970, Fluor entered the commercial nuclear business by constructing Alabama Power's Farley Nuclear Plant. Since 1977, Fluor has provided operating plant support services to 90 U.S. and international nuclear units.

In 1992, Fluor began performing nuclear decommissioning and environmental cleanup services to the U.S. Department of Energy's nuclear sites. By investing in NuScale Power, Fluor continues to support nuclear innovation and development.


Fluor begins designing and constructing facilities in support of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).


Fluor provides research and development support for the AEC as a member of the Rocky Mountain Nuclear Power Study Group.


Fluor is designated as the prime contractor for the AEC's experimental organic cooled reactor.


Fluor continues to grow in the commercial nuclear market by offering self-perform construction for power stations.


Fluor deploys a large staff of experienced nuclear professionals to the field to operate and maintain nuclear plants for customers throughout the U.S.


Fluor offers a range of services from design-build to decontamination and decommissioning at U.S. Department of Energy sites around the nation.


Fluor performs challenging and complex nuclear remediation and environmental cleanup for DOE facilities.


Fluor increases focus on nuclear research and development and new build and existing reactor capital projects and maintenance.


2020 and beyond.