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Giving & Volunteerism

Giving and Volunteering to Improve Our Communities

Fluor’s giving programs focus support on organizations around the world where we have a presence. In 1976, J. Robert Fluor started the formal employee volunteer program that is the heart of the company’s community involvement efforts. Now known as Fluor Cares®, the program engages and empowers employees to make a difference in their communities, magnifying and extending our philanthropic impact through employee giving and volunteerism.

In 2024, employees donated 49,000 hours and contributed $4.5 million to help enrich the lives of those in their communities through our focus areas of education, economic development, the environment and public health and critical human needs.

Two women in the Middle East with blue Fluor Cares scarves

Charity Golf Tournaments

For decades, Fluor employees have hosted golf tournaments to raise funds for local nonprofit organizations. In total, tournaments in South Carolina, Texas and California in the United States, as well as those in Canada and the United Kingdom have donated $12.2 million through employee-driven volunteer efforts.

Each tournament operates independently and works to provide substantial funding, primarily for capital projects of deserving charities fully aligned with our giving priorities. The programs involve scores of employees who donate thousands of hours to organize and host the tournaments.

Group of Fluor employees with donation check from Golf for Greenville event

Global Volunteer Initiatives

Year after year, our employees give their time, money, energy and expertise to enrich the lives of those in their community in need of a little extra help, support and encouragement.

Building Futures

Building Futures is our global outreach program dedicated to providing resources such as backpacks and school supplies to students in need as they start the new school year.

Offices and project sites on five continents participate in the Building Futures program. In 2024, volunteers from Fluor locations in 13 countries provided school supplies, uniforms, technology and more to over 11,500 students across 33 schools and community organizations.

Over the past 24 years, the Building Futures program has helped 235,000 children around the globe, donating $2.4 million to give students the basic tools they need to help enrich their academic experience.

Woman with child  holding backpack full of donated school supplies

Engineers Week

For more than 50 years, Fluor and our employees have championed Engineers Week (EWeek), volunteering in local communities to spur interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers. In 2024, volunteers from 14 countries provided hands-on STEM instruction to 3,900 students at 32 schools and organizations as part of the celebration.

Fluor volunteer drawing circuits on a blackboard in front of a class with three seated girls shown

Requesting Funding

In general, Fluor does not accept unsolicited grant applications. We encourage you to speak to the community relations representative at the Fluor office or project site in your community to discuss opportunities for engagement.

If you feel that your organization is fully aligned with the giving priorities above, then the following documents will help you learn more about the foundation and how to request funding. For organizations in North America, Fluor only accepts grant applications through our online grant portal.